Department Fees

For submittal estimates on project types not listed below please call our office at (209) 525-6557.

Building Permit Fee Estimates

Building Permit Over the Counter Permit Fees

$169.12  -  Demo (Only Available in Office)
$485.07  -  Demo Including Septic Tank (Only Available in Office)
$166.50  -  Electrical Panel
$158.34  -  Fireplace Wood Stove Insert and / or Chimney Liner
$243.51  -  Fireplace Wood Stove Insert and / or Chimney Liner with Gas Line
$186.39  -  Furnace Change Out for Wall and / or Floor (Not HVAC)
$142.02  -  Gas Service Reconnect
$200.67  -  General Inspection (Fire / Vehicle Damage Report - Prior to Making Repairs)
$306.75  -  General inspection (Code Enforcement)
$243.00  -  HVAC
$200.67  -  Premove in County
$275.64  -  Premove Out of County
$226.68  -  Residential Reroof
$319.09  -  Sewer Line Connection in a Special District (Only Available in Office)
$226.68  -  Sewer Line Connection (New Connections are Only Available in Office)
$636.34  -  Sewer Line Connection with Septic Demolition
$142.02  -  Sewer Line Repair on Property
$226.68  -  Stucco/Siding
$149.67  -  Water Heater
$142.02  -  Water Line Repair on Property (New Connections are Only Available in Office)

Fee Schedule

Solar Permit Fee Estimates