Specific Plans
California Government Code Section 65450 et seq allows a planning agency to “prepare specific plans for the systematic implementation of the general plan for all or part of the area covered by the General Plan.” The Specific Plan must be consistent with the General Plan. Specific Plans may be initiated by the County or by private parties provided such request is consistent with these guideline.
Stanislaus County has determined that Specific Plans are appropriate in rapidly urbanizing areas, in revitalization areas, or special study areas as characterized by the following:
- Rapidly urbanizing areas with significant new demand for public facilities and services; such a site should be at least 100 acres.
- Unique physical conditions (including unusual natural resources to be conserved).
- Complex mixture of uses proposed.
- Multiple ownerships in complex developing area.
- Need to revitalize a marginal or deteriorated area.
- Large industrial and/or commercial complexes.
- Very large single-ownership land developments where a significant new community is to be developed in a presently non-urban area.
- Special study areas.
On June 13, 1989, Stanislaus County adopted Specific Plan Guidelines establishing procedures and criteria for the review and implementation of Specific Plans within the jurisdiction of the County of Stanislaus. It is expected that all Specific Plans will comply with the format and information requirements specified herein.
The Crows Landing Industrial Specific Plan was approved by the Board of Supervisors on December 4, 2018. The Board of Supervisors considered the Planning Commissions November 15, 2018 recommendation of approval. Processed concurrently with the Specific Plan was an amendment to the Stanislaus County’s Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP). The ALUCP was updated by the Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) on November 15, 2018 to include Crows Landing Airport specific policies. At the same time, the ALUC found the Specific Plan, at the time proposed, to be consistent with the updated ALUCP. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for both the Specific Plan (along with the associated General Plan Amendment and Rezone) and the ALUCP update was certified by the Board of Supervisors on October 30, 2018.
- Specific Plan
- Environmental Documents
Additional project information is available at crowsbizpark.biz.