Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT)

AOT is a civil court-order for treatment of individuals with severe and persistent mental illness who meet strict legal criteria. Often, these individuals experience severe mental health symptoms which impact their ability to recognize the need for treatment. Goals of AOT include: preventing harmful outcomes such as relapse resulting in hospitalization, incarceration, or trauma; supporting individuals in maintaining stability and achieving personal goals; and assisting individuals to attain positive relationships with family, friends and other natural supports.

Assisted Outpatient Treatment allows for a Qualified Referring Party (QRP) to refer an individual for mental health treatment without the consent of the individual. A QRP could be:

  • Roommate: any person 18 years of age or older with whom the individual resides.
  • Family: Any person who is the parent, spouse, sibling or child 18 years of age or older of the individual.
  • Agency Director: The director of any public or private agency, treatment facility, charitable organization, or licensed residential care facility providing mental health services to the individual.
  • Hospital Director: The director of a hospital in which the individual is hospitalized.
  • Licensed Therapist: A licensed mental health treatment provider who is either supervising the treatment of, or treating for mental illness the individual.
  • Peace Officer: A peace officer, parole officer, or probation office assigned to supervise the individual.

A Qualified Referring Party (QRP) can refer on behalf of an individual by:

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