Prevention Focus

A Focus on Prevention

Focus on Prevention is a 10-year county-wide initiative that began in 2014 and aims to improve the quality of life for all Stanislaus County residents and families through coordinated prevention efforts that work across multiple sectors to promote health and wellbeing. Focus on Prevention extends beyond a simple initiative and leads to a shared community vision. This lays the foundation for ongoing transformation and culture change to inspire deeper connections and tangible improvements in the lives of Stanislaus County residents.

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About Us

Executive Leadership

Jody L. Hayes
Chief Executive Officer
Patrice M. Dietrich
Assistant Executive Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Tina Rocha
Assistant Executive Officer
Ruben Imperial
Assistant Executive Officer

Who We Are

The Stanislaus County Chief Executive’s Office is a team of dedicated staff who are committed to making Stanislaus County a better place to work, live and visit.

What We Do

Chief Executive Office staff provide overall leadership and management of County government including the day-to-day management of County resources, long-range financial planning, personnel and employee relations, capital projects and organizational planning. The office is responsible for implementing policies directed by the board of Supervisors.

What We Offer

Through our efforts, buildings are constructed and renovated that provide cost-effective and sustainable services to our community. Our accurate handling of legislative records means a sound basis for government and confident decision making. A focus on the fair and conscientious treatment of employees supports long-term loyalty and a positive work environment. Fair health benefits means a focus on family well-being and a focus on employee safety means fewer employee injuries. Strong emergency management preparations mean our community can be confident we are prepared to respond to emergency situations.