Spending Accounts- HSA and FSA

When you enroll in the HDHP medical plan, you get a health savings account (HSA) through Optum Bank. An HSA is a personal savings account that allows you to save and pay for qualified health care expenses with federally tax-free dollars now and in the future. For more information, go to the HSA page by clicking on the link below.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

The County offers two flexible spending accounts (FSAs) administered through P&A Group. FSAs allow you to set aside a portion of your income, before taxes, to pay for qualified health care an/or dependent care expenses. Because that portion of your income is not taxed, you lower your taxable income and increase your take-home pay. For more information, go to the FSA page by clicking on the link below.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

Contact Us

  • Please send medical premium payments
    (checks/money orders only) to:
  • Stanislaus County CEO-Human Relations Division
  • 1010 10th St., Suite 1400, Modesto CA 95354