Our Service Providers

For information about the Request for Proposal (RFP) process to become a service provider or to learn more about the services funded through the Federal Older Americans Act contact the
Stanislaus County Area Agency on Aging / Department of Aging & Veterans Services

3500 Coffee Road Suite 19
Modesto, CA 95355
Margie Palomino, Director
(209) 558-7825 or (209) 558-8698

Service Providers:

Catholic Charities
1506 H Street
Modesto, CA 95354
(209) 529-3784
Elvira Ramirez, Director (209) 444-5938

Catholic Charities Diocese of Stockton
providing services through three offices located in Stockton, Modesto and Sonora.

Healthy Aging Association
3500 Coffee Road Suite 19
Modesto, CA 95355
(209) 525-4670
Dianna Olsen, Executive Director

Senior Advocacy Network – Senior Law Project
821 13th Street Suite F
Modesto, CA 95354
(209) 577-3814

Joyce Gandelman, Attorney at Law, Director