Serving our Seniors (SOS) Network

Formerly called Services to Older Adults Advisory Committee (STOAAC)

Stanislaus County Area Agency on Aging hosts a networking meeting for providers of services and programs for older adults and their caregivers. The meetings begin with a brief presentation from a local agency followed by updates from agencies/organizations present. The meeting is held virtually in January, March, May, July, and September on the first Monday of the month from 9:00-10:00 a.m. The November meeting is held in-person at the same time at the Veterans Center, 3500 Coffee Road, Suite 15, Modesto, CA, in conference rooms 114/115.The public is welcome to attend. Current SOS Network flyer, 2024 SOS Network flyer

Contact Claudia Gomez at 209 558-7825 or for a Teams link and to be added to the email list.