Clerk Recorder
Clerk Recorder Division 1021 “I” Street
Office hours 8:00am to 4:00pm
Passport hours 8am to 3pm by appointment only
The Following Services will be by appointment only:
The following services will be walk in:
Clerk Functions- Fictitious Business Name Statements (FBN)
- Notary Public
- Process Servers
- Professional Photocopiers
- Legal Document Assistants (LDAs)
- Unlawful detainer assistants (UDAs)
You can fill out applications in advance through Online Services.
Customers can also use the Kiosks located in the Clerk Recorder lobby.
For any questions, please call (209) 525-5251.
Request for copies of:
- Birth Certificate
- Death Certificate
- Marriage Certificate
- You can fill out applications in advance in our Online Services.
- Vital Documents may be ordered online, but must be picked up and paid for in person.
- All services can also be provided through the mail.
Unable to Pick Up Vital Record in Person / Need to Pay by Credit Card
Order online at VitalChek is a private company that provides a secure Internet site, allowing the public to order vital records 24 hours a day. A processing fee of $7.00 applies to all credit card transactions. When ordering an authorized certified copy online through VitalChek, you must also mail or fax your notarized Sworn Statement to our office. Authorized certified copies cannot be issued without a notarized Sworn Statement. California Civil Code 1189(b) states: “Any certificate of acknowledgment taken in another place shall be sufficient in this state if it is taken in accordance with the laws of the place where the acknowledgment is made.”
Real Estate or Recorder Functions- Recorder functions
- Request for copies of recorded documents
- You can order copies of documents through Online Services.
- Go to the Recorded Documents Search and Ordering link.
- All services can also be provided through the mail.
Clerk Recorder
División de la Secretaría del Registro 1021 “I” Street
Horario de oficina 8:00am a 4:00pm
Horario de aceptación de aplicación para pasaportes 8:00 am a 3:00 pm por cita solamente
Los Siguientes Servicios serán solo por cita:
Los siguientes servicios sin cita:
Funciones de Secretariía- Declaraciones Ficticias de Nombre Comercial (FBN)
- Notario Público
- Servidores de Procesos
- Fotocopiadoras Profesionales
- Asistentes de Documentos Legales (LDAs)
- Asistentes de Detención Ilegales (UDAs)
Puede llenar solicitudes por adelantado. Haga clic en el “Servios en Línea.”
Los clientes también pueden utilizar los quioscos ubicados en el lobby de Clerk Recorder.
Para cualquier pregunta, por favor llame al (209) 525-5252.
Funciones Vitales
Solicitud de copias de:
- Nacimiento
- Defunción o
- Acta de Matrimonio
- Puede llenar solicitudes por adelantado. Haga clic en el “Servios en Línea.”
- Los documentos vitales se pueden pedir en línea, pero deben ser recogidos y pagados en persona.
- Todos los Servicios también se pueden proporcionar a través del correo.
No se puede recoger el registro vital en persona / es necesario pagar con tarjeta de crédito
Haga su pedido en línea en . VitalChek es una empresa privada que ofrece un sitio de Internet seguro, lo que permite al público solicitar registros vitales las 24 horas del día. Se aplica una tarifa de procesamiento de $ 7.00 a todas las transacciones con tarjeta de crédito. Al solicitar una copia certificada autorizada en línea a través de VitalChek, también debe enviar por correo o fax su Declaración jurada notariada a nuestra oficina. No se pueden emitir copias certificadas autorizadas sin una declaración jurada notariada. El Código Civil de California 1189 (b) establece: "Cualquier certificado de reconocimiento tomado en otro lugar será suficiente en este estado si se toma de acuerdo con las leyes del lugar donde se realiza el reconocimiento".
Funciones de Bienes Raíces o Funciones del Registrador- Funciones del Registrador
- Solicitud de copias de documentos registrados
- Puede solicitar copias de documentos por “Servios en Línea.”
- Vaya al enlace "Recorded Documents Search & Ordering".
- Todos los servicios también se pueden proporcionar a través del correo.
About Us
Who We Are
The office of the County Clerk and Recorder combines the dual responsibilities of administering official services and providing access to business filings, records and real property documents. The office ensures that a vital link to the past is maintained for future generations by indexing and archiving documents of historical, commercial and legal significance to provide public access to unblemished and accurate records within the County. The County Clerk and Recorder processes documents related to birth certificates, death certificates, marriage licenses, certified copies of vital statistics, document filings and recordings of real property; processes passports; and conducts civil wedding ceremonies.
The County Clerk-Recorder is responsible for examination and recording of documents presented to the office that deal with establishing ownership of land in the County or as required by law. The Recorder also collects Documentary Transfer Tax on property sales. Official Records are recorded, scanned, indexed and stored. The public may search, view and for a fee purchase a copy of these records.
What We Do
The County Clerk-Recorder Office performs the following functions on behalf of Stanislaus County:
- Preserves the official archive of legally recordable documents
- Records or files authorized documents and maps
- Registers notaries public, process servers, professional photocopiers, legal document assistants (LDAs) and unlawful detainer assistants (UDAs)
- Files statements of economic interests, environmental impact reports and fictitious business name statements
- Issues copies of birth, death and marriage certificates and certified copies of recorded documents
- Issues and registers marriage licenses
- Performs civil marriage ceremonies
- Maintains records of all marriages, births and deaths occurring within Stanislaus County
- Divorce records are maintained at Stanislaus County Superior Court
What We Offer
The County Clerk-Recorder is the officer charged with keeping and preserving complete and accurate records relating to real and personal property, vital statistics and other legal and administrative documents. The law requires that the recorder's records be open to the public and that certified copies be provided upon request. The County Clerk-Recorder strives to provide efficient and cost-effective service to customers while maintaining the highest degree of public trust.