Housing and Employment Support Services

Housing and Employment assists current BHRS clients with improving their living situation. Referrals to Housing and Employment are made through the client's case manager.


Housing Support Services provides an array of support services for individuals facing barriers that include low income, severe mental illness, substance abuse, and other disabling conditions. The program offers a combination of affordable housing and support services designed to help individuals and families use housing as a platform for wellness and recovery following a period of homelessness, hospitalization or incarceration. The goal of Housing Support Services is to assist individuals in obtaining employment, independent living skills, recovery and increased self-sufficiency.


Employment Support Services provides supported employment to individuals with psychiatric disabilities who are working towards Employment and Housing goals. The program provides an opportunity for individuals with severe mental health disabilities to work in the community. These individuals may require ongoing support on or off the job in order to obtain and retain competitive employment within their communities. The goal of Employment Support Services is to provide individuals that have limited job skills and/or have been out of the job market for an extended amount of time, the necessary extensive support in order to maintain competitive employment.

Contact Information

800 Scenic Dr, Building F
Modesto, CA  95350
(209) 525-6150
Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 5:00PM

800 Scenic Dr, Building B
Modesto, CA  95350
(209) 525-6101
Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 5:00PM

HES assist current BHRS clients with improving their living situation. Referrals are made through the client's case manager. Cambodian and Spanish Language Capabilities.

Learn more about Stanislaus County Mental Health Services Act Housing Projects.

Sites of Interest

Select Network of Care below to visit our interactive behavioral health

Network of Care Website