Children and Transitional Age Youth System of Care

Children and Transitional Age Youth System of Care offers children, youth, and their families a variety of mental health services. The following programs focus on services provided to strengthen families and children.

Access Crisis Support Line

To schedule a Mental Health Assessment for services with the mental health provider programs, call:



Children's Mobile Assessment Team (CMAT)

Address: 707 14th Street, Modesto, Ca 95354
Phone: 209-525-5401
Hours: 8 AM – 5 PM, Monday – Friday
Spanish Language Capabilities

Children’s Mobile Assessment Team (CMAT) provides assessments to Medi-Cal beneficiaries who have called the Access Line to request mental health services, and/or have been referred by Child Welfare, Probation, Education, Health Services Agency, Community Based Organizations, Others requesting mental health services. The assessment is completed by Mental Health Clinicians to determine the level of mental health services needed to address their current symptoms and impairments. Clients who meet medical necessity criteria for Specialty Mental Health Services (SMHS) as defined in Medi-Cal regulations and have Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED)/Severe Mental Illness (SMI) will be referred for treatment services. For Presumptive Transfer cases, the program will adhere the AB 1299 Presumptive Transfer.

Pathways to Well-Being

Address: 251 E. Hackett Road, Modesto, CA 95358
Phone: 209-558-2352
Hours: 8 AM – 7 PM, Monday – Friday
On-Call: 24/7
Spanish Language Capabilities

Pathways to Well-Being (PWB) provides assessment, treatment and supportive services to children and youth involved with the Child Welfare system, whether in voluntary Family Maintenance or involved with the court system. This includes services for Non-Minor Dependents (NMDs), who are young adults, ages 18 to 21 who have opted to remain within the foster care system voluntarily to receive support in transitioning to independence. PWB partners with the child/youth, family, natural supports, community partners, and other agencies as part of a Child and Family Team to provide services based on the child/youth’s needs and with the support and collaboration of the team. Services vary based on individual need and may include individual and family counseling, case management/intensive care coordination, rehabilitation/intensive home based services, medication support, and crisis intervention.

Early Intervention

Address: 920 16th Street, Modesto, Ca 95354
Phone: 209-558-4595
Hours: 8 AM – 5 PM, Monday, Wednesday & Friday; 8 AM – 7 PM Tuesday & Thursday
Spanish Language Capabilities

The Early Intervention program provides assessment, treatment and supportive services to children and youth age 0 through 21 years of age, with a focus on children or youth new to the behavioral health system with a first-time diagnosis. Referrals may come from a variety of sources, including other programs, schools, parents/caregivers, and other community partners. The services are intended to be short-term, up to 18 months, and include mental health treatment and other interventions that address and promote recovery.

Intensive Community Support

Address: 421 E Morris Avenue, Modesto, Ca 95354
Phone: 209-525-5080
Hours: 8 AM – 5 PM, Monday, Wednesday & Friday; 8 AM – 7 PM, Tuesday &Thursday
Spanish Language Capabilities

The Intensive Community Support program provides assessment, treatment and supportive services to children and youth age 0 to 21 in an outpatient setting. Referrals may come from a variety of sources, including other programs, schools, parents/caregivers, and other community partners. Services vary based on individual need and may include individual and family counseling, case management/intensive care coordination, rehabilitation/intensive home based services, medication support, and crisis intervention. The focus of services is to provide youth and their families with support to help reduce stress in the home, school, and/or community setting, and strengthen family connection and resiliency.

Mental Health Specialty Services

Mental Health Specialty Services (MHSS) consists of multiple teams that provide treatment and supportive services for smaller, targeted populations and includes the following:

Address: 707 14th Street, Modesto, Ca 95354
Phone: 209-525-5401
Hours: 8 AM – 5 PM, Monday – Friday

Child Abuse Interview, Referrals and Evaluation (CAIRE)

Address: 1418 J Street, Modesto, Ca 95354
Phone: 209-525-5151
Hours: 8 AM – 5 PM, Monday – Friday
Spanish Language Capabilities

The CAIRE Center is co-located with the Stanislaus County Family Justice Center. CAIRE interviews are scheduled by law enforcement or Child Protective Services when an allegation of child abuse must be investigated. The CAIRE Center includes a multi-disciplinary team that is on-site to support the child/youth and family through this investigative process. Behavioral health services are available to the child and family and can include emotional support, trauma-informed assessment, referrals and linkage, or ongoing trauma-informed treatment.

First Episode Psychosis (FEP)

Address: 820 Scenic Drive, Building K, Modesto, Ca 95354
Phone: 209-525-4982
Hours: 8 AM – 5 PM, Monday – Friday
Spanish Language Capabilities

The First Episode Psychosis (FEP) program works to provide support, education, and navigation services for families of children, youth and young adults who are experiencing early stages of psychosis. The program provides education to families around the signs and symptoms of the onset of psychosis and assists them in accessing and utilizing available behavioral health services. The program provides support to family members who are coping with the illness of a loved one. The program is independent from all service providers to improve and facilitate the relationship and interactions between the family and the provider, and often serves as the liaison between the hospital and outpatient programs. Staff have a pivotal role in the client’s recovery success by advocating and representing the interests of clients and family members. The program also works closely with collaborative community partners to educate the community and increase awareness and includes strategies for unserved populations.



Intensive Community Support (ICS)

Address: 1620 Cummins Drive
Modesto, CA, 95358
Phone: 209-576-1750
Address: 420 E. Canal Drive, Turlock, CA, 95380
Phone: 209-669-2583
Hours: 8 AM – 6 PM, Monday, Wednesday & Thursday; 8 AM – 8 PM, Tuesday; 8 AM – 5 PM, Friday
Spanish Language Capabilities

The Intensive Community Support program provides assessment, treatment and supportive services to children and youth age 0 to 21 in an outpatient setting. Referrals may come from a variety of sources, including other programs, schools, parents/caregivers, and other community partners. A primary referral source is stepdown from the Crisis Stabilization Program. Services vary based on individual need and may include individual and family counseling, case management/intensive care coordination, rehabilitation/intensive home based services, medication support, and crisis intervention. The focus of services is to provide youth and their families with support to help reduce stress in the home, school, and/or community setting, and strengthen family connection and resiliency.

Crisis Stabilization Program

1620 Cummins Drive, Modesto, Ca 95358
Phone: 209-576-1750
Hours: 8 AM – 5 PM, Monday - Friday
On-Call: 24/7
Spanish Language Capabilities

The Crisis Stabilization Program provides immediate intensive mental health services for children and youth ages 0 through 17 who experience a crisis assessment. Children and youth may be referred directly from the Community Emergency Response Team at the time of the crisis, 24 hours a day, with the goal of preventing need for the child or youth to be placed in a psychiatric hospital for acute treatment. Children and youth who need acute hospitalization for treatment may also be referred to the program as part of the aftercare plan from the hospital. Services are short term, intensive, and focused on safety and stabilization. The program staff complete a comprehensive assessment and provide a warm hand-off to an appropriate treatment program for ongoing services beyond the stabilization period.

Family Urgent Response System (FURS)

Address: 1620 Cummins Drive, Modesto, Ca 95358
Modesto, CA 95358
Phone: 833-939-3877
Hours: 8 AM – 6 PM, Monday, Wednesday & Thursday; 8 AM – 8 PM, Tuesday; 8 AM – 5 PM, Friday
On-Call: 24/7
Spanish Language Capabilities
The FURS program provides local county in-person mobile response services when contacted by a State hotline that has been designated to serve current and former foster youth and their caregivers experiencing a situation of instability. The program's purpose is to preserve the relationship of the caregiver and the child or youth. Services include developmentally appropriate conflict management and building resolution skills, stabilizing the living situation, mitigating the distress of the caregiver, child, or youth, connecting the caregiver and child or youth to existing local services, and promoting a healthy and healing environment for families. This program will also increase access and linkage to mental health and community services for this population as it is designed to support and connect current and former foster youth to the appropriate care and assistance.

Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS)

Address: 420 E. Canal Drive, Turlock, CA, 95380
Phone: 209-669-2583
Hours: 8 AM – 8 PM, Monday & Thursday; 8 AM – 6 PM, Tuesday & Wednesday; 8 AM – 5 PM, Friday
Spanish Language Capabilities
Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS) is a short term, intensive, individualized behavioral service available to children, youth and young adults, ages 0 to 21 years, with a focus on prevention of, or step-down from out of home placement, or psychiatric hospitalization. Trained staff provide focused intervention to target specific challenging behaviors while emphasizing the individual and family’s strengths. The services are provided at the time and location the behavior occurs and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The goal is to reduce the behaviors and support the child, youth, or young adult in successfully remaining in the least restrictive, most home-like setting.

WrapAround (WRAP) Services

Address: 1620 Cummins Drive, Modesto, Ca 95358
Phone: 209-622-1420
Hours: 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday – Friday
On-Call: 24/7
Spanish Language Capabilities

WRAP uses a strengths-based, needs-driven, team approach to bring flexible services and supports to a child or youth experiencing significant mental health needs. WRAP gathers the family, community-based supports, and natural supports to create an individualized plan that is comprehensive, and addresses needs in various life domains, including: family, living situation, social/friends, psychological/emotional, educational/vocational, legal, social/recreational, cultural/spiritual, medical/dental, and crisis and safety planning. Services are youth and family driven, as the family works with a trained facilitator to engage a supportive team who will work with the family toward their goals and the program is available to children and youth who are involved with Child Welfare, Juvenile Probation or are adoptees. The services and supports are available 24 hours a day, and the service plan reflects the family culture and preferences.

Aspiranet Residential Services (ARS)

Address: Administrative Office: 2513 Youngstown Road, Turlock, Ca 95380
Phone: 209-667-0327
Hours: 24/7
Spanish Language Capabilities

ARS is a Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program that is trauma-informed and provides an array of services to children and young adults with significant behavioral, emotional, and educational challenges that preclude them from being successful at home, with a resource family or other less restrictive settings. Typically, youth placed at the ARS have a mental health diagnosis, present challenging behaviors such as chronic running away, defiance, truancy, assaultive behavior, delinquency and/or learning disabilities. The program is designed to be short-term, individualized and intensive, to stabilize youth who have complex needs to support a successful transition to a permanent and supportive family placement.


Behavioral Health Services Team (BHST)

Address: 1700 McHenry Village Way, Suite 11B, Modesto, Ca 95350
Phone: 209-550-5850
Hours: 8 AM – 6 PM, Monday – Thursday; 8 AM – 5 PM Friday
Spanish Language Capabilities

The BHST is a Full Service Partnership program that provides the most intensive outpatient services to children and youth ages 0 to 21. The focus is to provide intensive treatment to children and youth who have experienced crisis, psychiatric hospitalization, incarceration, homelessness or symptoms and behaviors that may increase the risk for out of home placement for the child or youth. Services vary based on individual need and may include individual and family counseling, case management/intensive care coordination, rehabilitation/intensive home based services, medication support, and crisis intervention.

Intensive Community Support

Address: 1700 McHenry Village Way, Suite 11B, Modesto, Ca 95350
Phone: 209-550-5850
Hours: 8 AM – 6 PM, Monday – Thursday; 8 AM – 5 PM Friday
Spanish Language Capabilities

The Sierra Vista Intensive Community Support program provides assessment, treatment and supportive services to children and youth age 0 to 21 in an outpatient setting. Referrals may come from a variety of sources, including other programs, schools, parents/caregivers, and other community partners. Services vary based on individual need and may include individual and family counseling, case management/intensive care coordination, rehabilitation/intensive home based services, medication support, and crisis intervention. The focus of services is to provide youth and their families with support to help reduce stress in the home, school, and/or community setting, and strengthen family connection and resiliency.

Lasting Independence & Family Empowerment (LIFE Path) Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI)

Address: 1700 McHenry Village Way, Suite 14, Modesto, Ca 95350
Phone: 209-312-9580
Hours: 8 AM – 5 PM, Monday – Friday
Spanish Language Capabilities

The LIFE Path EPI program) serves youth aged 14 to 25 experiencing early symptoms of psychosis. The program focuses on empowering and creating hope for culturally diverse youth and young adults to continue on their path through effective treatment, support, and connection.

Short Term Residential Therapeutic Program

Address: Administrative Office: 101 Park Avenue, Modesto, Ca 95354
Phone: 209-491-0872
Hours: 24/7
Spanish Language Capabilities

Sierra Vista Child & Family Services provides two Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program homes for children ages 6 to 14 that struggle in regular foster care or in-home placements. These children need specialized care to ensure their safety and well-being. The homes are located in clean, safe and family-oriented neighborhoods and are staffed with caring, nurturing and highly trained staff that ensure these children receive the most current, therapeutic and behavioral interventions. The goal of these homes is to assist the child or youth in developing skills that promote socially appropriate functioning in the family, community, and academic settings, and to transition them to a lower level of care as soon as possible. These 24-hour facilities partner with therapeutic, educational, and appropriate social supports to ensure that the children are receiving the best treatment for their specific emotional, physical, behavioral, and educational needs.


Behavioral Health Services Team (BHST)

Address: 1539 McHenry Avenue, Modesto, Ca 95350
Phone: 209-702-0139
Hours: 8:30 PM – 5 PM
On-Call: 24/7
Spanish Language Capabilities

The BHST is a Full Service Partnership program that provides the most intensive outpatient services to children and youth ages 0 through 17 years of age. The focus is to provide intensive treatment to children and youth who have experienced crisis, psychiatric hospitalization, incarceration, homelessness or symptoms and behaviors that may increase the risk for out of home placement for the child or youth. Services vary based on individual need and may include individual and family counseling, case management/intensive care coordination, rehabilitation/intensive home based services, medication support, and crisis intervention.


School Behavioral Health Integration (CHS SBHI)

Address: 2000 W. Briggsmore Ave Suite I. Modesto, CA, 95350
Phone: 209-526-1440
Hours: 8 AM – 7 PM, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday; 8 AM – 5 PM, Wednesday & Friday
Spanish Language Capabilities

The School Behavioral Health Integration (SBHI) program is a Prevention and Early Intervention program that focuses on the individual needs of students within unserved/underserved population communities and schools. The program provides assessment, treatment and supportive services to children and youth with a focus on children or youth new to the behavioral health system with a first-time diagnosis and the caregiver. Referrals may come from a variety of sources, including other programs, schools, parents/caregivers, and other community partners. The staff provide the majority of services in the school setting and that tends to be the greatest referral source for this program. The services are intended to be short-term, up to 18 months, and include mental health treatment and other interventions that address and promote recovery.


Transitional Age Youth (TAY) Behavioral Health Services Team (BHST)

Address: 121 Downey Avenue Modesto, Ca 95350
Phone: 209-222-3150
Hours: 8:00 AM – 5: 00 PM, Monday – Friday
On- Call: 24/7
Spanish Language Capabilities

The Telecare TAY BHST is a Full Service Partnership program that provides the most intensive outpatient services to young adult ages 18 through 25. The focus is to provide intensive treatment for those who have experienced crisis, psychiatric hospitalization, incarceration, homelessness or symptoms and behaviors that are causing increase in impairments impacting their life. Services vary based on individual need and may include individual and family counseling, case management/intensive care coordination, rehabilitation/intensive home based services, medication support, and crisis intervention.

Transitional Age Youth (TAY) Drop In-Center

Address: 2008 W. Briggsmore Avenue, Modesto, Ca 95350
Phone: 209-222-3150
Hours: 8:00 AM – 5: 00 PM, Monday – Friday

The TAY Drop-In Center is co-located in Youth Navigation Center serving young adult ages 18-25. It provides a safe and welcoming community location for TAY clients to access peer support and to support other clients in their recovery. The clients are able to participate in wellness and rehabilitative activities and groups and strengthen their peer and community network. The TAY Drop-In Center is also a place where clients will be able to gather to relax with other peers, creating a supportive environment for any individual that walks through the door looking for support, someone to talk to, or just to hang out with a few friends. The TAY BHST is co-located with the TAY Drop-In Center to ensure services and support of the TAY Drop-In Center complement and align with treatment services provided by the TAY BHST. In addition, First Episode Psychosis (FEP) program is also available at the TAY Drop In-Center. The program can provide support, education, and navigation services for young adults who are experiencing early stages of psychosis. The program provides education of the signs and symptoms of the onset of psychosis and assists them in accessing and utilizing available behavioral health services. The program also works closely with collaborative community partners to educate the community and increase awareness and includes strategies for unserved populations..


Short Term Residential Therapeutic Program

Address: Administrative Office: 2855 Geer Road, Turlock, Ca 95382
Phone: 209-668-9361
Hours: 24/7
Spanish Language Capabilities

The Creative Alternatives STRTP serves males and those that identify as male, ages 6 to nonminor dependent. The STRTP environment is designed to successfully stabilize and effectively transition youth from intensive residential treatment to reunification with their natural family, foster care, or in some cases, emancipation. The STRTP homes are designed to provide a safe, secure therapeutic environment for youth with specialty mental health needs. These youth are provided with close supervision to protect them from endangering themselves and others. The high staff-to-client ratio enables the youth to thrive and learn appropriate behavior in dealing with their frustrations. In an accepting, therapeutic manner, we try to rebuild their broken spirits so that one day they will lead responsible, productive, and happy lives.

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