Family and Consumer Affairs

The Family Advocate's role is to assist families with accessing and utilizing mental health, alcohol and drug services.  In addition, support and information is provided to family members to help cope with the illness of loved ones. The Family Advocate works independently of all service providers and assists families in their interactions with the service providers in order to help improve and facilitate these important relationships.

BHRS Family Advocates
500 N 9th Street Ste B
BHRS Peer Advocates
500 N 9th Street Ste A
Modesto, CA 95350
8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M., Monday - Friday

Family Partnership Center
421 E. Morris Avenue
Modesto, CA 95354
8:00 A.M. 0 5:00 P.M., Monday - Friday
Spanish Language Capabilities

Kinship Program
421 E. Morris Avenue
Modesto, CA 95354
8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M., Monday - Friday
Spanish Language Capabilities
(209) 558-7494

The Kinship Program provides advocacy at the local, county and state levels, offering support and information to relatives (grandparents aunts and uncles) raising relative children receiving mental health services.

Parent Partnership Project
421 E. Morris Avenue
Modesto, CA 95354
8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M., Monday - Friday
Spanish Language Capabilities
(209) 558-8550

The Parent Partnership Project provides advocacy at the local, county and state levels, offering support and information to parents of children who are receiving mental health services

Sites of Interest

Select Network of Care below to visit our interactive behavioral health

Network of Care Website

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