Only Rain Down the Drain

Water that flows off our yards, streets, parking lots and driveways into storm drains eventually ends up in local creeks, streams, and rivers.

The storm drain system and sewer system are completely separate. Our storm drains transport water untreated to County storm basins & ponds where it eventually percolates back into the ground, or is pumped to an irrigation canal and ultimately ends up in the San Joaquin River.

As water makes its way to storm catch basins it picks up and takes with it all the pollutants found on County streets, sidewalks, gutters, driveways and parking lots.

Did you know that dumping just one quart of motor oil down the storm drain could pollute 250,000 gallons of water?

Help us reduce pollution in our local creeks, streams, and rivers by doing the following:

  • Comply with the City/County landscape watering schedule
  • Don’t overuse fertilizers or pesticides
  • Pick up your pet’s waste
  • Sweep up yard debris into green container
  • Call 209-525-6550 to report any illegal dumping