Storm Water Management Program

Program Summary

Stanislaus County has prepared a Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) that has been developed to meet the terms of the General Permit. The SWMP consists of the six minimum control measures established by State Water Regional Control Board (SWRCB) for Phase II storm water discharges. Implementation of these control measures are expected to result in significant reductions of pollutants discharged into receiving water bodies. The six control measures contained in the County’s SWMP are summarized below.

Each control measure contains BMPs necessary for proper storm water management. The BMPs contain specific tasks to meet the objective of that control measure. This SWMP is intended to be a living document with BMPs added and deleted as new management practices arise and management practices are found not to work. A schedule for implementing each BMP is provided at the end of each section. The following provides a summary of each minimum control measure.

Section One – Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts Program

This measure is intended to ensure greater public support for the SWMP and greater compliance through education. An informed public can significantly contribute to the success of the program.

In general, the County is emphasizing education in the SWMP because it is a cost-effective BMP and is proactive in trying to reduce storm water pollutants rather than reactive by treating the storm water pollutants.

Section Two – Public Involvement/Participation Program

This measure is intended to provide opportunities for the public to play an active role in both the development and implementation of the SWMP. An active community is important to the success of the program. The BMPs in this section not only serve to involve the public, but also function to educate the public on the SWMP and related regulations.

Section Three – Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program

This measure is intended to minimize illicit discharges into the storm sewer system. Illicit discharges are discharges that are not composed entirely of storm water. Storm sewer systems are not designed to accept process or discharge such non-storm water wastes. Minimizing these discharges can help to prevent high levels of pollutants from entering receiving waters.

Section Four – Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control Program

This measure is intended to minimize polluted storm water runoff from construction activities. Construction activities can contribute significant levels of sediment to storm water runoff if erosion and sediment controls are not implemented.

Section Five – Post-Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment Program

This measure is intended to minimize the impact to storm water quality caused by development and redevelopment. The increase in impervious areas caused by development can cause an increase in the type and quantity of pollutants in storm water runoff. Prior planning and design to minimize pollutants in runoff from these areas is an important component to storm water quality management.

Section Six – Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Program

This measure is intended to ensure a reduction in the amount and type of storm water pollutants by establishing routine activities in the operation and maintenance of municipal operations that address storm water runoff. Setting particular guidelines for source controls and materials management is an important component to storm water quality management.

Additional information regarding the County’s Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program and Management Plan include: