Measure X Implementation Guidelines
To assist in the interpretation and implementation of the Measure X initiative, the following guidelines are provided by the Department of Environmental Resources:
When is primary and secondary sewage treatment needed?
- For any new residential subdivision approved after July 13, 1990.
- For any new residential sized parcels (A-2-3 or A-2-5 parcels included) created from agricultural parcels, after July 13, 1990. In certain situations, parceling may result in one of the residential parcels being eligible to use a traditional septic tank.
- For any new commercial or industrial project requiring building permits, or
- However, existing commercial/industrial subdivision with a "vested" map is exempt from the secondary treatment requirement.
- For any structural expansion or alteration requiring sewage disposal, resulting in greater than 50% expansion of improved square footage existing as of November 8, 1988.
When can a traditional septic tank and leach field be used?
- For one single-family dwelling in an existing pre-July 13, 1990 recorded residential lot.
- For single-family dwellings appropriate for the agricultural acreage designation (i.e., second dwelling on an A-2 zoned parcel of 20 acres or more).
- For housing of agricultural workers and their families.
- For serving agriculture related operation (i.e., restrooms for grading stations; hulling/drying operations; agricultural equipment repairs. etc.).
- For a public emergency situation as determined by the Board of Supervisors.
- For low density recreational use operations generating a low volume of wastewater (i.e., small campgrounds; fish for fee ponds, public parks, etc.).
- For very low income housing (i.e., 50 percent or less of the area median income, adjusted for family size).
What are secondary wastewater treatment systems?
- For the individual residential project, secondary treatment can be achieved by off-the-shelf units certified by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) as meeting Standard Number 40 for individual aerobic wastewater treatment plants. Such plants utilize aeration of the wastewater and specialize clarification to provide a wastewater effluent meeting EPA standards.
- A list of approved treatment systems is available at the Department of Environmental Resources.
- For individual commercial and industrial projects, appropriate sized off-the-shelf secondary treatment units or for large waste flows, a package treatment plant will be required. Such units must be NSF approved and/or must meet US EPA Secondary Treatment Guidelines.
- For multiple property residential or commercial projects, centralized package treatment plant systems can be used. Monitoring and maintenance aspects of such systems may be addressed by the formation of or annexation to a community service area or equivalent as determined by Stanislaus County.
If you have any questions regarding the above, contact Bella Badal, PhD., R.E.H.S. at 525-6700.