Revenue and Schools Division

Division Main Line: (209) 525-6546

Schools Inquiries: (209) 525-6571

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 770 - Modesto, CA 95354

About Us

Who We Are


The Revenue and Schools Division is responsible for recording all funds received and deposited in the County Treasury. The Division also balances paid checks for entities with funds on deposit in the Treasury. This includes School Districts, Special Districts and the County.

What We Do

The Revenue and Schools Division's duties also include preparation of invoices for County rendered services.

The Deposit Permit instructions and form are available on the Auditor-Controller's Office Forms page.


The Auditor-Controller Revenue and Schools Division is not affiliated with the Revenue Recovery/Collections Division of the Stanislaus County Treasurer/Tax Collector's Office. Please visit the County's Treasurer/Tax Collector pages for more information.