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Probation Services

Juvenile Detention Services

The Juvenile Hall is a detention facility for juveniles who have committed offenses prior to their eighteenth birthday. Juveniles who are arrested and not released by law enforcement agencies are delivered into the Probation Officer's custody at Juvenile Hall. Those youth who are detained by the Juvenile Court are kept in custody pending completion of their court proceedings. The Juvenile Commitment Facility houses youth who require a period of incarceration as part of their final disposition. While in Juvenile Hall and the Juvenile Commitment Facility, youth are provided with a healthy, safe environment that keeps them securely detained. Standards require a comprehensive program which includes education, recreation, counseling, health and religious activities.

At times, Juvenile Hall and the Juvenile Commitment Facility may have health and safety protocols in place that prevent in-person visitation. If in-person visitation is temporarily suspended due to health and safety protocols, visitation may be offered through Zoom. Please click the links below for instructions on installing the Zoom application on your smart phone.

Haga clic en los enlaces a continuación para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo instalar la aplicación Zoom en su teléfono inteligente.



Juvenile Intake Services

All minors who are arrested by law enforcement agencies are referred to the Probation Department, either by the issuing of a citation or by booking into the Juvenile Hall. A Probation Intake Officer investigates the minor's delinquent behavior and other circumstances and may dispose of the referral by counseling and releasing the minor, referring the minor and/or family to a community counseling agency, placing the minor on informal probation for up to one year, or referring the minor to the District Attorney for formal charging in Juvenile Court.

Juvenile And Adult Investigation Services

Following the conviction of an adult or the adjudication of a juvenile, many cases are referred to the Probation Department for a report and recommendation prior to sentencing. The Probation Officer's investigation consists of a thorough review of all available information, interviews with concerned parties, and a careful evaluation of all relevant circumstances.

Recommendations in Juvenile Court range from a release from custody, to a release on Alternatives to Custody programs, to a commitment to the Juvenile Institutions, or to placement in a Short Term Residential Treatment Program. Recommendations center on rehabilitating youth.

Adult sentencing recommendations are primarily concerned with the granting or denying of probation and issues of the length and place of incarceration. In both juvenile and adult investigations, the Probation Department makes recommendations for the specific conditions of Probation required in each individual case. Whenever possible, it is recommended that the court order the offender to make restitution to his/her victim.

Juvenile And Adult Probation Supervision

Probation orders contain specific conditions intended to monitor and assist the probationer in leading a law abiding life in the community. The level or type of supervision received is determined by a validated risk assessment.

Probation Officers are sworn peace officers who implement and enforce the conditions of supervision. Officers utilize enforcement techniques, such as surveillance, searching for contraband, and testing for drug or alcohol use, while at the same time, offering rehabilitative services such as domestic violence/batterers treatment, substance use disorder treatment, high school equivalency exam courses, aggression replacement training, employment classes, and cognitive behavioral treatment. When probationers fail to abide by the court's orders, the Probation Officer is responsible for returning the case to court for further sentencing, which frequently entails returning the probationer to secure custody in jail or juvenile hall.

Pretrial Services

The Pretrial Services Unit is comprised of a unit of Probation Officers who complete pretrial assessments of individuals booked into adult custody on new law violations and monitors those who are released from custody. The results of the assessment is provided to a group of judges who ultimately decide to release or continue the detention of that person. If released, the individual will report to the Probation Department and sign an agreement regarding their involvement in pretrial monitoring. The monitoring of these individuals allows the Pretrial Unit to provide amendable services to deter the person from any future criminal activity. Additionally, all participants of the pretrial program receive reminders of their court hearings.

Professional Standards Unit (PSU)

Newly hired officers are assigned to the PSU. They are introduced to policies and procedures, attend required trainings, and are evaluated for their performance to ensure they meet appropriate standards. New officers are expected to demonstrate professionalism every day while learning about their new role. They are trained about adult and juvenile services, casework, Court, defensive tactics, and the multiple weapon systems utilized by our officers. They will transition out of the PSU into a new assignment only after successfully completing several trainings and evaluations.

Day Reporting Center

In collaboration with the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department and Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, Stanislaus County Probation at the Day Reporting Center (DRC) offers a variety of services to offenders who are under the jurisdiction of the Probation Department. Upon release from custody, officers assess individuals using a validated risk assessment tool which determines their criminogenic needs. The DRC provides evidence-based programming to offenders designed to reduce the likelihood of recidivism and future incarceration. Some of the programs and services offered are: High School Equivalency Exam preparation, tattoo removal, job search/placement, vocational training, batterer’s treatment, child abuse treatment, substance use disorder treatment, Cognitive Behavior Intervention Curriculum and Aggression Replacement Training.

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