Underground Storage Tank Program
For general questions regarding the management of UST’s, please call DER at (209)
Chapter 6.7
Health and Safety Code, Division 20
The Department of Environmental Resources (DER), Hazardous Materials Division regulates the construction, operation, repair and removals of underground storage tank (UST) systems. Since 2013, all businesses in Stanislaus County are required by law (AB2286) to create and maintain their hazardous materials related data in the California Electronic Reporting System (CERS). UST owners/operators who do not successfully submit their hazardous materials information into CERS annually are at risk of losing their permit to operate their UST system. Stanislaus County want to help businesses and will assist in completing businesses CERS submittal. Assistance for successfully submitting into CERS can be obtained by using the CERS submittal guidance document, requesting help from a CUPA inspector by calling 209-525-6700 and ask to speak to your district inspector, or contacting the CERS help desk, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am-4:30 pm, at 858-505-6990 / vog.ac.apelac@srec.
The UST program responsibilities to the regulated community include:
- Conduct all routine Inspections of all retail fuel facilities in Stanislaus County
- Approve all permit applications for UST installations, repairs, upgrades and removals
- Conduct installation, repair, and upgrade inspections within Stanislaus County. The group consists of 3 field inspectors and a supervisor.
The goal of the UST Program is to protect public health, the environment and groundwater. To accomplish this goal, UST inspectors ensure that businesses and facilities with ongoing UST operations are properly permitted and meet the monitoring requirements applicable to their type of equipment. This is accomplished during plan check and inspection activities. The Hazardous Materials Division is the lead program for permitting installations of new UST systems, UST repairs, and piping removals, including plan checks and inspections. Each UST site is inspected annually as mandated by State law. The Hazardous Materials Division is also the lead enforcement agency for violations of underground storage tank laws and regulations.
The Stanislaus County UST Program and the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) oversee UST removal and soil clean-up activities. The primary function of the SWRCB in UST removal activities is to provide regulatory oversight for the site assessment and mitigation of properties where unauthorized releases from UST systems have occurred. The SWRCB cleanup web page is located here: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/ust/cleanup/index.shtml, and SWRCB program staff contact information is located here: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov.
For general questions regarding the management of UST's, please call DER at (209) 525-6700. A Specialist is available M - F, 8 AM - 5 PM. For specific questions about your permitted facility, please contact your Area Inspector.