Website Redesign
In an effort to update the County's web presence as well as integrate newer technologies and services, ITC has led the development of a new Stanislaus County Web presence, which launched in August of 2015. The focus of this effort, with the support of most county departments and divisions, has been creating a contemporary look and feel, re-organizing content to be more user- friendly and expanding the County’s web presence to mobile devices.
Our new site has updated graphics showcasing the County, its beauty, heritage, agriculture and vibrant business community. These new images give visitors a good view of our County and what it has to offer. The updated look and feel will help our citizens navigate the site with more ease and assist them in finding the content and services they're looking for. The new web site is responsive and adapts to different device form factors. This will expand the entire website to a whole new range of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets which significantly enhances the availability of County government information and/or services to a broad segment of the public.
Electronic Data Management Services
ITC supports an Electronic Data Management (EDM) system on behalf of County departments. EDM provides much needed document organization and collaboration functionality to improve staff effectiveness and reduce costs. Through various custom EDM solutions and EDM integration projects, County departments continue to streamline document management and implement new collaborative solutions.
Application Development
ITC offers a full range of application development and integration services. We have a seasoned team of development professionals that are adept at integrating complex systems in a heterogeneous environment. We offer full lifecycle development services where we take ideas and concepts and systematically work through them to turn them into new custom software solutions that streamline business operations and enhance user productivity.