Illegal Waste Disposal
Illegal dumping is a problem in our communities. Neighborhoods and rural areas are affected by this crime. The following information should be helpful if you come across any illegally dumped trash in the unincorporated areas of the County.
Dumping in Progress
If you witness illegal dumping in progress, without jeopardizing your safety, note the description of the vehicle, license plate, and description of the suspect and contact the non-emergency number for the Sheriff’s Department dispatch at (209) 552-2468.
Reporting Illegal Dumping
If you see illegally dumped items on public land, please immediately report it by calling (209) 525-6700, online at Stancounty CRM or by using the GoRequest smart phone app. Choose topic area Garbage and Recycling, Illegal garbage disposal.
Dumping in Alleys/Alley Cleanup Pilot Program
The County does not maintain alleys and does not remove illegally dumped trash from alleys. This is the responsibility of the property owners. Understanding that trash illegally dumped in alleys can come from those outside the neighborhood, the Board of Supervisors has allocated funding for an Alley Cleanup Pilot Program. The program’s intent is to partner with community members for community-led cleanups of alleys in the unincorporated area. The cleanups will work to reduce neighborhood blight through increased community engagement with the long-term goals of increasing neighborhood safety, community pride, and civic ownership.
The pilot program runs through June 2020, and is subject to available funding. Those interested in organizing a community cleanup should submit an application.
House and Yard Cleanups
To help address the illegal dumping problem, it is recommended that a permitted small hauler be used to haul away refuse material generated from a house or yard project and that receipts are obtained, showing that the refuse material went to an approved disposal facility. Contact the Department of Enviormental Resources (DER) at (209) 525-6700 for a list of permitted small haulers, which have been vetted by DER.
Existing Solid Waste Programs
The Stanislaus County Department of Environmental Resources administers programs aimed at preventing illegal dumping. These programs include:
Residential Bulky Item Collection Program – Each residence in the unincorporated area of Stanislaus County who subscribes to weekly garbage service is eligible to have bulky items picked up at their home two times per year. This includes large appliances, water heaters, mattresses/box springs, carpet, furniture, and much more. More information can be found at: Residential Bulky Item Collection Program
Household Hazardous Waste/E-Waste Collection –Things like used motor oil, pesticides, and old televisions should not be placed in your trash can. These items and many more are considered household hazardous waste and can be safely disposed of free of charge at the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center located at 1710 Morgan Rd. This permanent collection facility is open Fridays and Saturdays, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Temporary drop-off locations are also scheduled throughout the year. More information can be found at Household Hazardous Waste
Tire Disposal – If you have old tires you can dispose of them at the Fink Road Landfill or at one of the three transfer stations for a fee. In addition, the Department of Environmental Resources offers free periodic tire amnesty events for residents. For more information call (209) 525-6700.
Illegal Dump Cleanup Voucher Program – This program is to encourage residents, primarily in the farming/ag community, to cleanup illegal dump sites. By calling the Department of Environmental Resources at (209) 525-6700 residents can arrange for a voucher allowing for a free disposal at the Fink Road Landfill if they pick up illegally dumped items of significance.