The mission of the Council shall be to reduce incidents of family and domestic violence and abuse in Stanislaus County through:
- Effective coordination between agencies, departments, existing services, and the courts for individuals affected by family and domestic violence and abuse; and
- Prevention, intervention and treatment techniques accomplished through education, research and data collection.
Amendments to Bylaws
The bylaws of the Stanislaus County Family & Domestic Violence Council may be amended by a majority vote of eligible voting members in attendance.
The membership of the Council shall consist of a minimum of twenty (20) and a maximum of forty (40) members designated as follows:
- One (1) representative from each of the following areas:
- Superior Court
- Battered women’s shelters
- Probation
- Parole
- Community Services Agency (Adult & Child)
- Each law enforcement agency in the County (Sheriff, California State University Department Public Safety, Turlock Police, Ceres Police, Modesto Police, Newman Police and Oakdale Police)
- Fire Department
- The District Attorney’s Office
- Stanislaus County District Attorney Victim Services
- The Public Defender’s Office
- Batterers’ treatment programs
- Private counseling agencies
- Education
- Medical
- Public Health
- A county bar association
- Behavioral Health & Recovery Services
- Stanislaus Elder Abuse Prevention Alliance
- Family Court Services
- Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors
- A maximum of two (2) members from the public at large, chosen by the Chairperson on an annual basis.
- The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Treasurer shall be elected by the Council by majority vote of the Council members at the first meeting of every second calendar year. The Chairperson and officers shall serve for a 2-year term and are not limited to serving consecutive terms. In the event the Chairperson is unable to fulfill their term, the Vice-Chairperson shall assume the position as Chairperson. The Council shall elect a new Chairperson to fulfill the remainder of the term.
Powers and Duties
The following shall be duties of the Council:
- Analyze ways in which agencies, departments, existing services, and the courts in Stanislaus County respond to family and domestic violence and abuse in order to improve that response.
- Improve the cooperation and coordination among all who deal with family and domestic violence and abuse.
- Make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors, agencies, departments, existing services, and the courts regarding improving the response to family and domestic violence and abuse.
- Analyze and discuss legislation that relates to family and domestic violence and abuse.
- Encourage and promote education and awareness regarding family and domestic violence and abuse.
- Provide training and education to professionals working in the field of family and domestic violence.
- Request from agencies, departments, existing services, and the courts information, services, facilities, and other assistance for the purpose of furthering the mission of the Council.
- Form committees to assist in planning policy, goals, and priority recommendations, and other functions deemed necessary by the Council.
- Report to the Board of Supervisors during the month of October on the Council’s progress each year and indicate what it proposes to accomplish in the upcoming year.
Meetings have been postponed due to COVID-19. Please revisit this website for updates.
Each member of the Council or their designee possesses the right to cast one (1) vote on all issues pending before the Council. The designee may vote on behalf of the member; the vote will be counted in determining if a quorum is present in order to conduct the business of the Council.
Staff Assistance
The Secretary shall be designated by the Council at the first meeting of each calendar year.
Relationship to Other Boards and Commissions
The Council shall ensure that its activities do not conflict with those of other boards, commissions and/or councils in Stanislaus County. It shall endeavor to cooperate and coordinate with any other bodies with overlapping jurisdiction.